Rick Warren’s “Daniel Plan” currently recommends hypnosis, Eastern/new age meditation
And...Dr. Oz recently on his show had a necromancer.
Yoga Training - truth for Christians
Read this article (link above) for more insight into the different kinds of yoga and how each kind influences you.
Sola Sisters: Concerns About Kirk Cameron's Movie "Monumental": Posted by Christine Pack Former teen actor Kirk Cameron , who famously converted to Christianity a number of years ago, has had an interes...
Sola Sisters: Is King's Way an Interfaith Document or Not? You B...: Posted by Christine Pack On February 23, 2012, an article titled Rick Warren Builds Bridge to Muslims was published in the Orange County...
Sola Sisters: False Teachings About Hearing Audible Words From G...: Article by Amanda Bowers ( Hears His Voice blog) I received the following comment from a reader on my recent Note of Repentance : "At ...
The Doctrine of Unity and Separation
February 26, 2011 — Mike Ratliff
by Mike Ratliff
This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you— if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. (Titus 1:5-9 ESV)
It doesn’t take very long for me to discern whether the person I am dealing with is truly God’s man or woman or is a pretender. That personal interaction is necessary for me to see the true nature and focus of the person. As we debate or discuss doctrinal or church issues or even secular issues it soon becomes very clear whether I am dealing someone who is walking according to the Lordship of Christ or is their own man or woman. Their values soon become apparent. All of us are in various stages of spiritual growth and repentance to be sure, but the mark of the washing of regeneration is there to be seen in all of God’s people that cannot be counterfeited. Of course, this is only discernable by those who are looking for it and then only through God’s testing fires.
I think that is why those of us who truly belong to Him are so often struggling in the fires of tribulation. As I have that personal interaction with people as I shared above, I am given glimpses into their value systems and what is truly beleaguering them, et cetera. When some come to me full of retribution, meaning to shut me up or whatever, I always prayfully look at their motives. Never have I had anyone do that with the motive of bringing God glory. No, it has always been self-motivated personal glory. In light of this I pray that you will carefully read the passage from Titus I placed at the top of this post.
According to those in the Rick Warren camp, unity is what the Church must be about. This unity is all encompassing with no regard for doctrine, et cetera. However, as you just read in that passage, the elder of the Church is to do what? He must be ready to give instruction in sound doctrine and also be ready to rebuke those who contradict it. Does this “rebuke” mean we separate from them as well? First, here is a definition of the “Unity” part of the Doctrine of Unity and Separation.
The church is united in Christ, having a common salvation which is found in Christ; a common citizenship which is in heaven; a common hope which is Christ; a common spirit which dwells within each believer; a common fate which is likeness and conformity to Christ; a common interest to walk with Christ and to spread His name. (Matt. 28:19; 1:Cor. 2:2; Phil. 3:8-10; Rom. 5:2,5; Col. 1:5; Heb. 6:18-19). These things all believers share regardless of race, ethic or political background, class distinction and church affiliation. We are united together to the Head which is Christ.
However, we are also called to be separate from the world and those who profess to be Christians, but who are worldly or who refuse to submit to the doctrine of Christ. We are also to separate from professing Christians who refuse to submit to the Lordship of Christ.
Consider the following two quotes from C.H Spurgeon.
“On all hands we hear cries for unity in this and unity in that; but in our mind the main need of this age is not compromise but conscientiousness. `First pure, then peaceable…’ It is easy to cry, `A confederacy,’ but that union that is not based on the truth of God is rather a conspiracy than a communion. Charity by all means: but honesty also. Love of course, but love to God as well as love to men, and love of truth as well as love of union. It is exceedingly difficult in these times to preserve one’s fidelity before God and one’s fraternity among men. Should not the former be preferred to the latter if both cannot be maintained? We think so.”
The following is an excerpt from “The Bond of the Covenant,” preached Sunday morning, May 10, 1885 at the Met Tab in London. Spurgeon’s criticisms of 19th-century modernism are also perfectly suited for 21st-century post-modernism:
This generation has made a god of its own. The effeminate deity of the modern school is no more the true God than Dagon or Baal. I know him not, neither do I reverence him. But Jehovah is the true God: he is the God of love, but he is also robed in justice; he is the God of forgiveness, but he is also the God of atonement; he is the God of heaven, but he is also the God who sends the wicked down to hell.
We, of course, are thought to be harsh, and narrow-minded, and bigoted: nevertheless, this God is our God for ever and ever. There has been no change in Jehovah. He has revealed himself more clearly in Christ Jesus; but he is the same God as in the Old Testament, and as such we worship him –
Biblical Separation or correctly obeying the doctrine of separation is not to be taken lightly and we must do it correctly. Here are the guidelines.
l. Be discerning (I Th. 5:21). Biblical separation begins with spiritual and doctrinal discernment. I cannot separate from that which is false if I do not know truth from error! See also I Col. 1:9; 3:16; Ph. 1:9; He. 5:12-14. This is where separation begins. Each child of God is to study the Scriptures intently and prayerfully that he might know sound doctrine. He is to exercise CAREFUL discernment that he might know truth from error, good from evil, fidelity from compromise.
2. Maintain an earnest proclamation and defense of the faith (Jude 3).
Jude exhorts his readers to contend for the faith, not because he loved contention, but because it is necessary to preserve the faith from corruption. He indicates that he would rather write concerning the common salvation but it had become necessary to take up the sword. Here is a picture of the well-balanced Christian: he loves to proclaim the gospel, but when necessary he will take up the sword in defense of the gospel.
Jude did not say, as some say today who wish to avoid the reproach of a liberal ecclesiasticism, that all one has to do is to preach the gospel, or the Word of God is its own defense. The real Christian has to contend for the faith in these times. Jude would have had scant sympathy for that type of ministerial self-righteousness which often says, “I preach the Gospel and let these issues alone.” This convinces some people that he is not a “wicked” separatist, but it also convinces a compromising ecclesiasticism that they have nothing to fear from this ex-Gidionite, who has a number of reasons for not serving in Gideon’s army.
The prophets contended for the faith within the structure of religious Israel, often to their own death. John the Baptist contended for the faith, incurred the enmity of the religious leadership and was beheaded for denouncing sin by name in high places. Jesus contended for the faith, that the Messianic hope and promise was fulfilled in Himself and was murdered. Stephen contended for the faith that Christianity was the fulfillment of the Old Testament faith and was stoned to death. The evangelical inclusivists of our day, though, seem to be alive and doing fairly well! [`Inclusivist' refers to those who promote ecumenical union and disregard doctrinal and moral purity.]
3. Mark those who err (Ro. 16:17). Not only are we to know the truth and to be discerning, not only are we to aggressively contend for the truth, but we are to identify false teachers and apostate Christian groups by name. In this way we protect ourselves and others. This was Paul’s custom. Consider the following examples: 1 Ti. 1:19-20; 2 Ti. 2:16-18; 4:14-15. In these passages the Apostle warned Timothy of several false teachers and disobedient men, and he identified these men by name. This was also the custom of the Lord Jesus Christ (Lk. 20:45-47; 12:1; Re. 2:6,15,20). Following the example of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His Apostles, we must identify and label those who are false, apostate, or disobedient. To fail to do so is rebellion to the Bible’s command. It is also the mark of an unfaithful, careless shepherd. A good shepherd protects the sheep from danger.
4. Avoid fellowship. Once we have discerned false doctrine or practice, what then? God’s command at this point is very clear–separation. The following expressions are used in the N.T. to describe separation: “Avoid” (Ro. 16:17). “Shun” (2 Ti. 2:16). “Turn away from” (2 Ti. 3:5). “Purge oneself from” (2 Ti. 2:21). “Come out from among” (2 Co. 6:17; Re. 18:4). “Have no fellowship or communion with” (2 Co. 6:14). “Receive them not into your house neither bid them Godspeed” (2 Jn. 10). One does not need a Ph.D. to understand the meaning of these exhortations. God is telling His people to stay away from those who teach or practice false things!
5. Avoid yoking together in ministry, organization, etc. (2 Co. 6:14-18). This command does not allow a Christian to be in the same denomination, Christian organization, fellowship, or church with those who are committed to unbelief. However, I see no issue with someone like John MacArthur going to Liberty University and preaching the truth of the Gospel to the students there for example. If we cut ourselves off completely from the world then how can we share the gospel with them?
6. Avoid their doctrine (2 Ti. 2:14-18). In this passage Christians are warned to avoid the Words of the false teachers. Let us not be deceived. False teachings have been very successful. Christendom is permeated with false doctrine. Wherein comes this success? The Bible reveals to us that there is a supernatural power behind false teaching. That power is Satan (2 Co. 11:13-15; 1 Ti. 4:1). It is for this reason that Christians are warned not to become involved in any way with false doctrine. Rather we are taught to “shun” it, for “they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker.”
This means the Christian is not to attend a church in which false doctrine is being proclaimed. We are not to attend Bible studies, or meetings, or prayer groups in which false doctrine is involved. When those involved with false doctrine ask permission to sit with us to “explain their beliefs more clearly,” we must wisely refuse. The only exception is an occasion in which we ourselves teach the one who is in bondage to the false belief. And this is only when that one is willing to listen with an open heart and not argue and resist the truth. See 2 Ti. 2:23-26. Apart from our own ministry to try to help the deceived, we must avoid all false instruction.
7. Rebuke them openly, publicly, and plainly (Mt. 23:13-33; Ac. 13:8-10). God’s Word commands us to rebuke false teachers openly, publicly, and plainly, and the faithful servant of God will do just that. Christians who dislike biblical separation often protest that we cannot help the erring person if we separate. This is not true. One reason for separating is to help those who err see the seriousness of their error, to make a clear distinction between true and false doctrine. Many excuse their refusal to obey biblical separation by saying they are ministering to the false and disobedient. This is wrong. The Bible warns that a little evil leavens the whole body (1 Co. 5:6; Ga. 5:9). The ecumenist is confused. He apparently thinks a little good leavens the whole body!
8. Try to convince them of the truth (2 Ti. 2:24-26). We are to try to help those who are involved in false doctrine, but we are to do this from a separated position. It is our separation which shows them that we do indeed believe false doctrine to be evil. It impresses them that we take the Word of God seriously. And though we must refuse to have close fellowship with those involved in false doctrine, and though we must not allow them to be members in our churches and organizations, we are to try to teach them the truth if they will listen.
Notice in 2 Ti. 2:26 that the false teacher’s root problem is revealed. They are in “the snare of the devil.” False doctrine is not a problem of ignorance; it is a spiritual problem. Only a great miracle can rescue a person out of the grasp of false doctrine once he has fallen prey to it.
9. Maintain a spiritual demeanor (Jam. 3:13-18). Last, but not least, we see that the ministry of discernment, judgment, contention for the truth, and separation from error are to be carried out in a spiritual manner.
I pray that you noticed that these calls to separate had nothing to do with traditions or personalities or personal disagreements. No, this has to do with Biblical Doctrine alone. The reason I could not in good conscience go and have my name attached as a speaker at a Purpose Driven sponsored event (it would never happen anyway) is that I consider the PDC paradigm to be heresy and Rick Warren to be a heretic and scripture twister and have rebuked him many times in articles on this blog and will continue to do so.I would like to add a number 10 to this.
10. Do not become discouraged if the ones being rebuked never repent and if all their followers consider you to be the bad guy and attack you as divisive. This is what is going to become more and more prevalent as these times grow ever more darker.
Soli Deo Gloria!
by Walter Martin -- The Cult of Liberalism
(from post at apprising ministries)
by Walter Martin
(from apprising ministries)
(note from 21stCB: This is directly linked from Apostasy Alert - Jackie Alnor. Ms. Alnor makes reference to personal preference in regards to Dave Hunt vs Dr. Walter Martin's view. In this particular instance, we stand on the side of Dr. Walter Martin; however, in many other things, we agree with Ms. Alnor and her blog information.) This opportunity to see Dr. Martin (the original Bible Answer Man) is incredible. His discernment is priceless! Take one hour and listen to these clips and ponder TBN and others in our time, today. Thanks to Rapture Ready/Ms. Alnor.)
March 11, 2011 Apostasy Alert Show: Walter Martin's Last Stand on TBN

Rob Bell Unable to Defend His Own Beliefs in MSNBC Interview
Posted in Book, Love Wins, Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis, Video
Rob Bell Unable to Defend His Own Beliefs in MSNBC Interview – Squirms, But Gives No Answers
Love Wins - A Review of Rob Bell's New Book
Posted in Book, Love Wins, Rob Bell, Tim Challies, Universalism
Love Wins - A Review of Rob Bell's New Book
by Tim Challies

Saddleback Unveils Blair Peace Program - The Crosstalk Blog
Posted in Agenda 21, Rick Warren, Saddleback
Saddleback Unveils Blair Peace Program
from - The Crosstalk Blog
The New Age Christian—An Accepted Oxymoron
Reiki ?? (see article above!)
Posted in Agenda 21, Christian, Church, Daniel Plan, Dominionism, Health, Oz, Warren
- First, what is a CHURCH doing in the BUSINESS of assessing HEALTH CARE?
- Second, what is a CHURCH doing amassing a huge databank of intimate health data on evangelicals?
- Third, what is a CHURCH doing at the forefront of the health care reform agenda?
- Fourth, what is a CHURCH doing working with obvious New Age gurus?
Posted in Amen, Chopra, Daniel Plan, Hyman, Hypnotizes, McKenna, New Age, Oz, Warren
Partial Transcipt beginning at about the 2:55 mark:
...as you relax my voice will go with you , and you might hear it in many different ways, and you don't even have to think about it, just let the focus sink deeper and deeper towards your own inner stillness, and you can notice words, and you can notice noticing words, and you can notice noticing your body can relax, and your mind can relax, and your mind has become very sensitive to my suggestions that help you most, your breathing carries on all by itself, your mind carries on all by itself, and you can watch it wonder away, your experience, your understanding, your awareness can just detach and slow down. Relax the muscles around your eyes again, relax your jaw, ease off the muscles in your neck, and let your shoulders drop, and with each out breath, let them drop a little more until all the tension is released, as you free your mind to concentrate on success, you build up the energy to take action. Every day you'll do something to move yourself toward your ideal weight, every day you'll take action, your unconscious mind will remind you you have the energy you need ready and waiting, you just stop to work and the energy will become available, you'll become more and more responsive to your situations and the people you work with, every day you'll understand more and more and respond more to the situations and the people around you, you'll become more flexible and adaptable so you can continue to work towards your ideal weight whatever happens around you. Everyday , your tenacity will increase, you can keep going, persevering, achieving, working, and pressing on so that every day you achieve something. And very soon, it will be time to awaken, and before you awaken, I'd like you to reinforce every positive thought you've ever had about yourself. And as you become awake, you can feel the wish to be active, you can find your self enjoying that. We all know we can day dream, we can all sleep, and we can all wake up, although we don't consciously know how we can wake up, yet we do, and you can awake now...
"I am not an expert on the New Age or hypnotism, but I do know this is nothing short of self-worshiping idolatry. It is focused on man and his inner self, instead of Jesus Christ and what He has done and will do in the life of the born again believer. Instead of looking to the Lord Jesus Christ and His transforming power, hypnosis looks to what man can do for himself (just like all forms of meditation). This, of course, lines up perfectly with Rick Warren's Pelagian, moralistic tendencies for behavior modification. Warren believes that one can just change the way they think in order to change their behavior and their life. Scripture, on the other hand, tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2), which is achieved by the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit through the objective reading of the Word of God and through prayer. What's more, McKenna seeks to open your mind to his influence, which he clearly states will help you the most. Sounds a lot like a certain garden serpent, yes?" (see the link above for the rest of this article)
Posted in Amen, Christian, Crosstalk, Daniel Plan, Health, Hymen, Kundalini, Meditation, Mysticism, Occult, Oz, Pekick, Purpose Driven, Reiki, Schleuter, TM, U.N., Warren, Yoga
(from Crosstalk Radio program)
Rick Warren, Dr. Oz, and the Dangers of the Daniel Plan
Host: Ingrid Schlueter
Guest: Jennifer Pekich (listen live at the link below)
Jennifer Pekich is a writer, researcher and stay at home mother who has been married for 19 years. She describes herself as a born-again believer in Jesus Christ who is committed to protecting and defending the Christian faith. Greatly inspired by 1 Peter 3:15, her entering the “blogosphere” was born out of her family’s personal experience of leaving a church due to false teaching.
Ingrid opens this edition of Crosstalk describing what we’ve seen up until recently from Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven Movement. With the help of his Purpose Driven books, Warren has convinced many Christians to initiate radical changes to the church ranging from thematic preaching and rock music to a more corporate style of church leadership.
Warren’s latest project is a 52 week health and fitness program known as “The Daniel Plan”. But one must wonder what Pastor Warren is up to when in promoting the plan, he relies on individuals such as Daniel Amen, Mark Hyman and Mehmet Oz.
Why should these men cause “red flags” to come up for Christians? Jennifer attended the Daniel Plan kick-off gathering on January 15. From her notes she shares how from Kundalini Yoga to Transcendental Meditation, these men are steeped in Eastern mysticism and the occult. In addition, through it all, numerous U.N. buzz-phrases could be heard; phrases such as "sustainable living", :smart growth", "public-private partnerships" and more.
Are Rick Warren and his associates attempting to restructure the church and society by warming Christians up to a fanciful sounding global plan? Decide for yourself when you review this edition of Crosstalk.
More Information
Jennifer Pekich’s blog:http://www.ponderingsfrompatmos.blogspot.com/
Rick Warren Introduces the Devil Plan. An article by Marsha West:http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/mwest/110124
A first-hand account of the Daniel Plan kick-off gathering at Saddleback Church by Jennifer Pekich:http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=5636
Amen, Christian, Crosstalk, Daniel Plan, Health, Hymen, Kundalini, Meditation, Mysticism, Occult, Oz, Pekick, Purpose Driven, Reiki, Schleuter, TM, U.N., Warren, Yoga
When Contending Costs Everything
Posted in Church, Daniel Plan, Diet, Health, Kundalini, Markell, Mental, Mysticism, New Age, Reiki, Religion, TM, Transcendental Meditation, Warren, Yoga
When Contending Costs Everything
Well, all I can ask here is that you do your own research into these three doctors' beliefs, what they teach, what they actually stand for, their view on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and ask yourself why Rick Warren with his Daniel Plan on Health is endorsing them in his church and is promoting them.
For example: Check out this LINK to see one of the references quoted in the above article for actual proof --mentioned in Dr. Amen's book on page 238 -- found at books.google.com. (be sure it's on page 238)
Issues of concern are: Reiki, Transcendental Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and other New Age concepts that are contrary to Christian doctrine. (Kriya Kirtan was found at this link to be Kundalini Yoga at yogatimes.com - see for yourself.)
Church, Daniel Plan, Diet, Health, Kundalini, Markell, Mental, Mysticism, New Age, Reiki, Religion, TM, Transcendental Meditation, Warren, Yoga
Posted in Beck, Book, LDS, Mormonism, New Age, Religion, Theology, Universalism
In August of 2010, I predicted on my national radio program that it was only a matter of time before Glenn Beck would release a distinctively religious book that would promote his New Age Mormonism and universalism. I sensed that Glenn was setting himself up to be the politically conservative alternative to Oprah. His new book, 7 Wonders That Will Change Your Life, could have been written by Oprah for sure.
Many self-professing Christians cannot see what Beck is up to but there are those in the unsaved world that seem to be exhibiting more worldview understanding than some in the Christian community. The Business Insider published an article on January 4, 2011 entitled, "Glenn Beck's New Year's Plan Sounds A Lot Like Oprah's New Network".
Last week (second week of January 2011) Beck released his latest book entitled The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life. The book is co-authored by psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow.
Beck's new book is nothing less than the promotion of universalism, postmodernism, and pagan spirituality, also known as the New Age Movement.
I tried to warn America's pastors and Christian leaders in early August of 2010, not to unite with Glenn Beck in his spiritual rally that sought to unite all faiths and look to one God. I gave these Christian leaders plenty of evidence that Glenn Beck was a practicing Mormon that was also embracing New Age paganism.
Some of these Christian leaders said that Beck was a "new Christian", "a baby Christian", "new brother", a "little lamb", or "very close to becoming a Christian." If they think Glenn Beck meets the Biblical descriptions of a Christian then they have no clue what the book of I John says are the Biblical hallmarks of a true follower of Jesus Christ.
A friend of mine even e-mailed a mega pastor that was publically supporting Glenn Beck's 8-28 rally to ask him to be careful about embracing Beck and his black robe regiment because of some of the false theology Glenn was espousing. The pastor replied:
Glenn Beck is a new brother and he is learning and growing and coming to the light day by day as he is being discipled by [name of Christian leader removed]. There was once a day when you and I were in the same place he is now. Be careful that you don't place a yoke on a little lamb rather than an ox.
Would this pastor say Oprah Winfrey is a Christian?
According to Christian Post, another Mega Church pastor said:
I have interviewed persons who have talked specifically with Glenn about his personal salvation – persons extremely well known in Christianity – and they have affirmed (using language evangelicals understand), 'Glenn is saved'…He understands receiving Christ as savior.How confusing to the unsaved world and to baby Christians it must be to have Christian leaders make this claim about being a Christian in light of Beck's latest book. Many now believe what Beck is promoting in his book is Christianity because Pastors and Christian leaders have announced that "Glenn is saved." I have had teenagers e-mail me and come up to me at our conferences and express how confused they are by what Christian leaders have said about Beck being saved when they have heard Beck promote New Age heresy.
In light of Beck's religious and spiritual proclamations in his new book, this would be the week for the Christian leaders and pastors that embraced Beck on the national stage, and proclaimed Beck's salvation, to release a press release and post a statement on their website that they disagree with Beck's pagan spirituality and that indeed Beck is not demonstrating theology and doctrine consist with what the Bible says are the hallmarks of a Christian. These Christian leaders need to apologize for leading people to believe that Beck was a Christian or to believe that Beck held and promoted religious views that were compatible with Biblical Christianity. Dr. Erwin Lutzer, of the historic Moody Church in Chicago, correctly declared in August of 2010 on my radio program that any pastor or Christian leader involved in Beck's rally would be involved in heresy. I agree 100% with that statement.
In his new book Beck and Dr. Ablow promote psychologist Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, New Age authors Robert Pirsig and James Redfied, Buddha, Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche, Gandhi, The Bible and the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas. Sadly, Glenn is confused and all Christians should pray that he will come to salvation in the Jesus of the Bible through faith and repentance.
On page 56 Beck says he read A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman which is the Bible of the New Age Movement. I wrote and entire chapter in my book Grave Influence on Helen Schucman and the demon she channeled that helped her write the book.
I have several friends who were Mormons for many years before accepting the Jesus Christ of the Bible as their Lord and Savior through faith and repentance. Tracy was a Mormon for 26 years and e-mailed me to explain why many Mormons are open to New Age Spirituality:
It's not surprising how easy it is for many LDS to get involved in occult practices based on the "power of the priesthood." For example, energy healing (chakras), cloud-busting, and other mind-power things. My LDS friends and I were always interested in books like The Magic of Believing, Embraced by the Light, and other New Agey kinds of books. I remember seeing Star Wars when I was Mormon and how many of us in the ward (LDS congregation) were comparing The Force to the priesthood power.
Since we believed we were on the godhood track, using the phrase "I AM" in the context Glenn uses it, fits in neatly with the power of the priesthood through which worlds are created (according to Mormon doctrine). In fact, Mormonism teaches that God did NOT create the universe exnihlo, because God can only manipulate and arrange existing matter; he cannot create it. Thus we see, from the LDS perspective, we too can become I AM, through the divine nature within us.
On page 79 Beck and Dr. Ablow promote transcendental meditation and Eastern Mysticism. On 85 we read, "As you commit to unlocking and bringing forth the truth inside you, don't be afraid to pray for help. Don't be reticent to sit with yourself in silence and meditate. Connect with the miracle of spirit, of God, that has lived inside you from long before you were born."
Christian mediation is not about "bringing forth the truth inside of you" nor is it about contacting God that has "lived inside you from long before you were born." This is not Biblical and any Christian that thinks otherwise is either a false convert or is Biblically illiterate. Click here to hear a short video clip by Dr. Ron Carlson on the dangers of New Age meditation.
On page 132 Beck and Ablow proclaim, "Pray to whatever higher power you believe in…Praying that God or Nature or the Cosmos or your own internal, immeasurable reservoir of spirit allows you the courage and faith to find and then face the truth…"
In several places readers are told it really does not matter what religion or religious leader they follow. On page 157 Beck writes, "Finding what worked for me made all the difference. Finding what works for you will do the same."
On page 74 the reader is instructed "Just be sure you visit with a minister or therapist from a religion or healing discipline you actually have affinity for, or suspect you might."
On page 236, reincarnation is promoted through the writings of Robert Pirsig's book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, "…the 'spirit' of Chris or the 'ghost' of Chris, then you can say without further translation that the spirit or ghost of Chris is looking for a new body to enter."
Beck is a very committed and knowledgeable Mormon:
I have had several Christians tell me that Beck does not really know much about the Mormon faith. That is not what Beck writes in his new book.
"I questioned everything I could think to question about the faith. I went over my doubts again and again with the church bishop. I read everything there was to read on their website and every word of Mormon Doctrine…I went to anti-Mormon literature for hints, but I found most of it to be unfair or just plain wrong. I tried every trick I could think of to find a contradiction. The problem was that I couldn't. Mormonism seemed to explain the world and my place in it better than any other faith I had looked at." (Page 149-150)
Beck does not believe in Hell, original sin or that Jesus in the only way:
"Latter-day Saints do not believe that your chances ever cease, even with death. They end only with the full understanding and denial of truth by your own exercise of real free will. And even then there is no 'lake of fire.' (Page 149)
"As Keith likes to say, 'There's no original sin left in the world. Everyone's just recycling pain now.' "(Page 154.)
"There is no infant delivered evil, out of the womb. There never has been. Not even one…Charles Manson was not born evil. Ted Bundy wasn't. The BTK killer wasn't. Hitler wasn't." (Page 162)
The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. (Romans 3:23) The Bible says that even babies are born with a sin nature and that we are all conceived in sin. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Psalm 51:5)
"People are inherently good." (Page 165).
The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9, The heart [is] deceitful above all [things], and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Beck's book uses the phrase "Your truth" or "your true path" or "my truth" at least 23 times. Here are a few examples:
"It is never too late to embrace your truth." (Page 124)
"What is your truth whispering?" (Page 130)
"Use compassion to stay on the path to your own truth… (Page 161)
"...determination to unearth and embrace my truth." (Page 215)
"The fact that I am always attempting to honor my truth… (Page 216)
"There is only your truth." (Page 220)
"You must use courage and faith to empty the hard drive of your soul and then fill it with your truth." (Page 288)
Beck's book promotes the New Age that God dwells within all:
"The third chapter of Exodus helped me start to understand how crucial it was that my focus be on finding God not just in the seas or the cosmos, but in myself." (Page 57)
If God is everything and everywhere and inside everyone, then I figured He had to be inside me, too… (Page 58)
This is the promotion of pantheism and panentheism.
"Divine power is still inside you." (Page 71)
"Reach out to people to steady them and enrich them and reflect back to them the light that comes from God inside them. (Page 283)
"You won't doubt your ability to achieve what you want to achieve in this life because you won't doubt that God is not only by your side, but inside you." (Page 254)
Beck's book promotes the New Age idea that you need to tap into a positive energy for a successful and happy life: (Ten times). Some examples include:
You have a polestar inside you. It is connected with all the energy in the universe. When you begin to follow that star you align yourself with immeasurable, inexplicable forces that will actually help you manifest your best intentions. (Page 79)
The current energy that flows in your favor when you stop denying what you have lived through and how it has shaped you and how you must change is the immeasurable force that you can tap into to dramatically improve your existence." (Page 113)
…you will elicit the same positive energy from others. When you stop pretending to be just fine and start admitting that you have struggled, just as we all have, then spiritual energy will fill you." (Page 117)
I wrote this article because I want discerning Christians to have the information they need to refute unbiblical teaching. I want Christians to be watchmen who warn their Christian family and friends about the spiritual deception of people like Glenn Beck, Oprah Winfrey, and a host of other individuals that are promoting another Jesus and another gospel.
Christians also need to be ready to explain to their unsaved family and friends why Glenn Beck's worldview will not lead them to God as their savior but as their judge. Nowhere in Beck's new book does he mention the Biblical gospel. What Glenn is promoting is the same lie promoted by Satan in Genesis 3:1-5. I am fearful that the spiritual poison Beck is promoting is not seven wonders that will change your life but in fact, lies that will condemn the souls of millions for eternity.
Distributed by http://www.worldviewweekend.com/
By Brannon Howse
Email: Brannon@worldviewweekend.com
Is It Negative and Unbiblical to Name False Teachers?
Posted in Contemplative Spirituality, Deception, False Teachers, McLaren, Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Yoga
Is It Negative and Unbiblical to Name False Teachers?
(be sure to view the brief video by John MacArthur)

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