I only send out things if they are very good and this one comes with recognizable credibility! VERY well worth your time!

(From CROSSTALKAMERICA radio program - guest Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries)

WOW - this is one of the very best radio shows I have heard on this topic.
They discuss what I've been learning and sharing with folks - including names, books, meditation, mysticism, serious lack of discernment among church leaders, one world religion, etc. Easy to understand - basic info. It took a while for it to download (do something else during that time), but it was so very worth it. It's about an hour long and you should share it with all your friends, pastors, everyone! You can save to your mp3 and take it with you, download onto your computer, or order a $6 CD.


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Until now, I thought John Piper would know better.
Even though he sounds convincing, he is NOT completely correct...
(see article and transcript link below)

A leader/pastor of his caliber should understand that he sets an example to new believers....and who he chooses to "hang out with" or invite to "speak at conferences" is in essence saying to new believers that "it's okay...this person is trustworthy." There's enough evidence to be concerned about Rick Warren that we must be very careful about endorsing him in such an official manner. I was shocked and disappointed to hear John Piper's statements in defense of Rick Warren/teachings. Warren's actions do not match his own words or Piper's opinion of him. (Rick Warren also endorses anti-biblical teachers such as Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, etc.)

~~Apprising Ministries' Pastor, Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries shares his article about this issue of Piper and Warren.

~~Here is the link for the video of JOHN PIPER telling us WHY he invited Rick Warren to the 2010 Desiring God Conference.

~~If you don't want to wait for the youtube video to upload, here's the written transcript!!!